Food systems of the modern world have complex pathways. Often times, we do not even know the source of the of the foods we consume. This leads to a plethora of issues such as excessive food waste, greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity loss, and health disorders. Nearly 50% of our current habitable land is used for agricultural purposes and this will increase with population growth if we continue business as usual. Furthermore, nearly 25% of the greenhouse gas emissions responsible for climate change comes from unsustainable food production and food waste. We need to change this.
Join SPORE for a discussion on the environmental and health issues surrounding food production and consumption followed by ideas on how we can solve them on local scales. We will discuss the difference in issues affecting the developed and developing worlds along with multiple solutions that are applicable to each. The goal is to think in systems for developing holistic solutions to the food issues we face today.
Our guest for this workshop is Ankur Shah. He is an Earth System scientist and is extremely passionate about sustainability, food systems, and environmental education. He has taught multiple classes on environmental issues during his college career and frequently produces short videos on environmental topics.
We invite you to join our free workshop with curiosity and a desire to learn! We will discuss how to think about food system issues and solutions. Join us to learn the how to envision regenerative and circular food systems for a healthier planet!
If you would like to join the workshop, please click here to visit our eventbrite page to RSVP for this event.